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80 年代初期我还是一名年轻设计人员,我就一直在关注总线结构的发展。从简单的 S-100 及 AT 总线到速度快似闪电的第 3 代 PCIe,我看到了几项变化,最引人注目的是串行化。要实现更快的速度,您如果不加快时钟速率并使每条传输线路在电气长度上相等(并非易事),就需要使数据串行化并嵌入时钟。这就引出了我今天的主题 — 高性能串行总线标准。

在众多现代计算平台及外设中找到几种不同高速标准并不稀奇。这些包括 PCI Express、USB、Thunderbolt、串行高级技术附件 (SATA) 和串列 SCSI (SAS)。如前所述,很多这些标准都从并行总线结构发展成了目前的串行结构,以克服时序偏移并提高可靠性。这些标准在发展过程中也在不断提高速度,使得设计人员不得不更加努力地确保准确无误的传输。我一直能看到这种挑战!



这些标准的每次修订都会设定某些要求,以确保每个通道在所有条件下都能保持全面的数据吞吐量。这样就为标准的抖动容限提出了限制。在应对第 1 代 PCIe (2.5 Gbps) 等早期串行标准时,FR-4 上的信号完整性通过精心布局来满足。每次标准修订都会将性能提高一倍。例如,第 3 代 PCIe 的吞吐量是第 2 代的两倍,即便原始数据速率只有 8 Gbps(而第 2 代则是 5 Gbps)。这是因为第 3 代 PCIe 编码 (128b/130b) 比第 2 代 PCIe 编码 (8b/10b) 更高效。

由于每个修订版都具有更高带宽,因此标准的吞吐量正在加倍。这使设计高速无误差(10-12 的 BER 或更好)通道的工作越来越难,特别是在试图控制 PCB 成本并保持 FR-4 时。在TI,我们一直都通过提供多种技术(例如均衡器、重定时器和驱动器)来帮助客户积极提高通道信号完整性。随着趋势朝着更快速方向发展,而且存在如此多的不同标准,问题正在复杂化。


为避免线性损耗、串扰以及导致 5Gbps 及更高速度下各种噩梦的其它抖动问题,我经常推荐用户通过在数据路径中部署有源组件来提高通道信号完整性。根据标准,您有很多选项。您必须密切关注对正确器件的挑选,因为很多标准都使用带外 (OOB) 信号传输。如果选择了错误的中继器,您可能会意外阻断这些信号,中断链路。为解决这个问题,TI 推出了多标准/多协议中继器产品系列的首款产品 DS125BR800A。这是一款 8 通道、单向 12.5Gbps 中继器,不仅支持第 1 代、2 代及第 3 代 PCIe 以及 SATA 1.5Gbps、3Gbps 与 6Gbps 接口标准,而且还支持所有针对 6 Gbps(第 2 代) 的 SATA 标准。



Low-Power 12.5-Gbps 8-Channel Repeater With Input CTLE and Output De-Emphasis



The DS125BR800A is an extremely low-power high-performance multi-protocol repeater/redriver designed to support eight channels of PCIe, SAS, and other high-speed interface serial protocols up to 12.5 Gbps. The receiver's continuous time linear equalizer (CTLE) provides a boost of up to +30 dB at 6.25 GHz (12.5 Gbps) in each of its eight channels and is capable of opening an input eye that is completely closed due to inter symbol interference (ISI) induced by interconnect medium such as 30in+ backplane traces or 8m+ copper cables, hence enabling host controllers to ensure an error free end-to-end link. The strong linear equalization maximizes interconnect channel extension when the DS125BR800A is placed with the majority of channel loss on the devices input side. Adjustable transmit de-emphasis and output voltage amplitude help to compensate for the remaining channel attenuation on the output side.

When operating in SAS-3 and PCIe Gen-3 mode, the DS125BR800A transparently allows the host controller and the end point to optimize the full link and negotiate transmit equalizer coefficients. This seamless management of the link training protocol ensures system level interoperability with minimum latency. With a low power consumption of 65 mW/channel (typ) and option to turn-off unused channels, the DS125BR800A enables energy efficient system design. A single supply of 3.3 V or 2.5 V is required to power the device.

The programmable settings can be applied easily via pins, software (SMBus or I2C) or loaded via an external EEPROM. When operating in the EEPROM mode, the configuration information is automatically loaded on power up, which eliminates the need for an external microprocessor or software driver.


Proven System Interoperability

Comprehensive multi-protocol Repeater Family

Low 65-mW/Channel (Typ) Power Consumption,

With Option to Power Down Unused Channels

Transparent Management of Link Training

Protocol for PCIe and SAS

Advanced Signal Conditioning Features

Rx CTLE up to 30 dB (24 dB for SAS3)

Tx De-Emphasis up to –12 dB

Tx Output Voltage Control: 700 – 1300 mV

Device Configuration Interface:

Pin Selection, EEPROM, or SMBus Interface

Single Supply Voltage: 2.5 V or 3.3 V

−40°C to 85°C Operating Temperature Range

3-kV HBM ESDRating

Flow-Thru Pinout: 54-Pin LLP

(10 mm × 5.5 mm, 0.5 mm pitch)

Supported Protocols



Other Proprietary Interface up to 12.5 Gbps








标签: 总线 中继器
