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Genesys 人工智能助力Entel提升效率

来源: eeworld
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原标题:Genesys 人工智能助力Entel提升效率



  Entel has worked with Genesys, the global leader in omnichannel customer experience and contact center solutions, for several years to help meet their goal to deliver the best experiences to customers as well as optimize the company's processes.

  多年来,Entel一直信赖并依靠全球领先的全渠道客户体验和联络中心解决方案提供商Genesys® 交付全球最佳的客户体验,优化业务流程,实现企业目标。

  "Our customers have changed the way they interact with us. They are much more focused on digital and want anytime, anywhere service on the channel of their choice," explained Pablo Oyarzun, customer experience divisional manager of Entel. "Without our AI, bots and automation tied together using Genesys AI, we couldn't deliver this kind of service."

  Entel 客户体验部门经理Pablo Oyarzun指出:“现在客户与我们沟通的方式发生了改变。如今,他们 更倾向于使用数字化渠道与企业联系,并且希望企业可以通过自己选择的渠道随时随地为其提供服务。如果没有Genesys AI解决方案将我们的人工智能、机器人、自动化集成到一起,我们就无法实现这一目标。”

  Entel leverages the Genesys Customer Experience Platform at their contact centers in Chile and Peru to support all of their agents and telemarketers. In addition, Genesys provides the common data framework for Entel's many AI integrations with other vendors. For example, the company uses the Genesys integration with Google Cloud for its text-to-speech capability to transcribe automated conversations. Genesys AI then sends that data toIB M Watson to determine the customer's intent and identifies the next best action.

  位于智利和秘鲁的Entel联络中心都部署了Genesys客户体验平台,从而为所有座席和电话销售人员赋能。此外,Genesys提供的通用数据框架还可应用于其他供应商的人工智能集成。例如,Entel使用Genesys集成的谷歌云文本转语音功能进行自动对话转录,然后Genesys AI 将相关数据发送至IBM Watson,从而确定客户目的,采取下一步最佳行动。

  Oyarzun shared, "The new orchestration capabilities powered by Genesys AI provide us with more knowledge about customers, enabling us to take new approaches to address their evolving expectations. With the help of Genesys, we can improve our customers' satisfaction."


  Entel will share their success using Genesys AI at Xperience19, its signature annual customer-focused event. Hosted by Genesys, Xperience19 unites more than 2,000 industry experts in Denver from June 10 to 13.

  Entel在Genesys标志性年度客户体验大会Xperience19上分享了应用Genesys AI 的成功案例。Xperience19于6月10日—13日在美国丹佛市召开,2,000多名行业专家汇聚一堂,共同探讨了如何突破客户体验迈向未来。


  Entel, Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones S.A. 是智利最大的电信公司,截止到2018年12月,该公司的市值已达到238.3万美元。Entel 提供移动及有线服务(包括数据与信息技术、互联网、本地电话、长途电话及相关服务)。在秘鲁,该公司还拥有有线和呼叫中心业务,并于2014年10月创立了Entel Perú品牌,开展移动业务。作为智利首家向客户提供700 MHZ 频段4G网络的电信公司,Entel凭借拉美地区最先进的4G网络为用户提供最佳体验。此外,先进的LTE-Advanced 载波聚合技术进一步巩固了Entel 在4G +部署领域的行业领导地位。








标签: 人工智能
